Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene vows to force a vote next week on ousting House Speaker Mike Johnson

house republicans to vote on impeachment inquiry next week.

The administration cites an opinion from the Justice Department under former President Donald Trump declaring any impeachment inquiry moot without a formal vote in the lower chamber. A White House memo on Friday said that House Republicans have been investigating Biden since taking the majority in January and “they have failed to turn up any evidence of wrongdoing,” wrote Ian Sams, special assistant to the president and White House oversight spokesperson. "This is a legal decision, it's a constitutional decision," the speaker said. "And whether someone is for impeachment is of no import right now. We have to continue our legal responsibility and that is only, solely, what this vote is about." But Senate Republicans, demanding a full impeachment trial or the creation of a special impeachment committee, want to make the coming days as politically painful as possible for Mayorkas and his Democratic allies.

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Many months after opening an inquiry oddly based on nothing more than to-be-determined charges, Republicans have no hard evidence of an impeachable offense by the president. And, consequently, they don’t have enough Republican support to proceed. The latest and hopefully final blow to the impeachment follies was delivered Wednesday. Two months after House Republicans made Mayorkas the first Cabinet member to be impeached in nearly 150 years, they finally sent the patently political charges to the Democratic-controlled Senate, which took just three hours to dismiss them. The Senate found that the two charges — that he “willfully and systemically refused to comply with Federal immigration laws” and breached the public trust — didn’t clear the Constitution’s high bar. Whether you come to HuffPost for updates on the 2024 presidential race, hard-hitting investigations into critical issues facing our country today, or trending stories that make you laugh, we appreciate you.

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None of the 10 Republican votes to impeach was as surprising as that of Mr. Rice, a conservative who had to that point never spoken out against Mr. Trump. It shocked his constituents in northeastern South Carolina and set off a land rush of a dozen Republicans aiming to unseat him. A spokesman said Mr. Upton would follow his practice of announcing his decision in the year of the election. He has also been blunt about the threats he and others, like Mr. Gonzalez, have faced for staking out that position. At an event this summer, he said, a woman told him that he would shortly be arrested for treason and hauled before a military tribunal, presumably to be shot. A half-dozen Republicans are vying to challenge him, including Catalina Lauf, a former Commerce Department official under Mr. Trump, who placed third in a Republican primary in a neighboring congressional district last year.

This is the first impeachment trial of a sitting Cabinet member

He called for the Senate to adjourn until Nov. 6, which is the day after the election. A number of GOP senators laughed and Sens. Tom Cotton, Ark., and Rand Paul, Ky., banged on the table. In a statement released at the end of the Senate trial process, Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., said that "what’s happening at our southern border is completely unacceptable" and "the Biden Administration must do more to keep Montana and our country safe." "And by doing what we just did, we have, in effect, ignored the directions of the House, which were to have a trial," he continued. "We had no evidence, no procedure. This is a day — it’s not a proud day in the history of the Senate."

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But when Trump realized in 2019 that Joe Biden would be his likely opponent in the next presidential election, he made a stink, claiming that when the Democrat pushed for the ouster of a Ukrainian prosecutor in 2015, he did so to stave off an investigation into Burisma. The inquiry spanned a wide range of topics, from Hunter Biden’s million-dollar business deals to his budding art career and to the Justice Department’s alleged failure to lock him up for not paying taxes. Comer and company have highlighted payments to the younger Biden by foreign nationals from all over the world and shown that Joe Biden would occasionally meet and greet his son’s benefactors. By participating in online discussions you acknowledge that you have agreed to the TERMS OF SERVICE.

He delivered the same message later in the day to Greene, telling her that trying to remove Johnson was not helpful, according to a person familiar with the conversations who was not authorized to discuss them publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. Johnson had been elected by Republicans as a last-ditch consensus candidate after McCarthy's ouster, but he courted the far-right's ire when he led passage of the $95 billion foreign aid package for Ukraine and U.S. allies that they oppose. ” said Massie, before a poster-photo of Jeffries handing Johnson the gavel when the Republican first became speaker last fall. In pressing ahead next week, she said that "every member of Congress needs to take that vote." By pledging to support Mike Johnson, Democrats have freed the House from the grip of GOP hard-liners. Among them are a former Trump administration official and several candidates who declared that they would not have voted to certify Mr. Biden’s victory.

“When the White House now says they don’t need to provide some of the requested info because there’s no formal inquiry, then we need an inquiry,” said moderate Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., who is one of the 17 vulnerable Republicans who represent districts won by Biden in 2020. Democrats have conceded that while the president’s son is not perfect, he is a private citizen who is already being held accountable by the justice system. Democrats and the White House have repeatedly defended the president and his administration’s cooperation with the investigation thus far, saying it has already made a massive trove of documents available. The White House has repeatedly dismissed the inquiry as a “baseless exercise” meant to appease right-wing lawmakers. The Oversight Committee has insisted that it has financial documents that, it alleges, show that members of the Biden family established over 20 shell companies, most during Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president, that were part of an effort to obscure payments from foreign adversaries.

The move could mark a significant surge in their investigation into accusations the president financially benefited from his family’s overseas business dealings. The House Oversight Committee recently subpoenaed several Biden family members beyond the president’s son, Hunter, and the White House is pushing back against those subpoenas. McCarthy was heavily scoffed at by Democrats because he had criticized then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in 2019 when she announced in September an impeachment inquiry into then-President Donald Trump without a formal House vote authorizing it. Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y., who represents a swing district that Biden won, wouldn’t say whether he would vote to authorize an inquiry but criticized the president. "The sooner the better," said Comer, who added that Republicans' time at home over Thanksgiving helped solidify support within their conference to officially authorize the inquiry. "I believe we currently have an unregistered foreign agent as president, and I am ready to see this impeachment inquiry go forward as quickly as possible," Duarte said.

Committee Information

None of the 10 pro-impeachment House Republicans have raised their profiles more than Mr. Kinzinger, a six-term conservative who represents an exurban and rural part of northern and central Illinois. He has created a political action committee and become a frequent anti-Trump presence on cable television and social media since the Capitol riot. Mr. Gonzalez’s anguished announcement on Thursday that he would not seek a third term leaves just nine House Republicans who still appear set to fight to retain their seats in Congress after having voted to impeach former President Donald J. Trump following the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. House Republicans have all but folded the Big Top on the Biden impeachment circus.

House GOP eyes impeachment inquiry vote as soon as next week - POLITICO

House GOP eyes impeachment inquiry vote as soon as next week.

Posted: Fri, 01 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

But even if the House immediately transmitted the charge to the other side of the Capitol, an agreement between Republican and Democratic leaders in the Senate would be needed to take it up before Jan. 19, a day before Mr. Biden is inaugurated. WASHINGTON − House Republicans plan to hold a vote next week to formally authorize their impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Johnson made clear the vote, which he and other GOP leaders said will be held next week, is not a vote to impeach President Biden but one that will allow lawmakers to "continue on pace" with the inquiry. The House will hold a formal vote to authorize the ongoing Republican-led impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, Speaker Mike Johnson announced Tuesday. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., one of three committee chairs leading the impeachment inquiry, said that GOP leadership would determine the timing of the vote. WASHINGTON — The House could vote to formally authorize the GOP's impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden as early as next week, according to Republicans leaving a closed-door conference meeting focused on the issue on Friday.

At an unrelated event in New York today, Mayorkas mostly skirted questions on the articles of impeachment against him. After he entered evidence into the record, Clymer moved for a vote on impeachment. Just hours earlier, Belknap had raced to the White House and begged Grant to accept his resignation, which the president did. Republicans are still deliberating over their next steps while Democrats have set up the next vote to be on Schumer’s point of order.

house republicans to vote on impeachment inquiry next week.

During her tenure at the U.N., Ms. Power was involved in the international response to the Ebola outbreak. Before that, she worked on former President Barack Obama’s National Security Council, advising the White House on human rights issues. In her new role, she will oversee the country’s global efforts to help defeat the pandemic.

An insightful discussion of ideas and viewpoints is encouraged, but comments must be civil and in good taste, with no personal attacks. To report comments that you believe do not follow our guidelines, send us an email. Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., who will be leading the inquiry, said some lawmakers with concerns did reach out to him in the days before McCarthy’s announcement. Brad Woodhouse, a longtime Democratic strategist and senior adviser to the group, said Republicans have failed to get signature priorities over the finish line while fighting amongst themselves over lifting the debt ceiling and funding the government. That’s a vulnerability that will be magnified during an impeachment fight, he said. Rep. Richard Hudson, the chair of the campaign arm for House Republicans, dismissed the threat the impeachment investigation may have for swing-district Republicans.

Sen. Eric Schmitt, R-Mo., objected to a timing agreement on debate and holding votes that Schumer proposed. On another party-line vote, Kennedy's corrected motion to adjourn until May 1, 2024, was rejected by the Senate. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said that the House's impeachment of Mayorkas was political and that it would have set a worse precedent to move forward with a trial. Trump has given a nod of support to Johnson, who dashed to the former president's Mar-a-Lago club in Florida last month to shore up backing. A picture with an earlier version of this article was published in error.

A few Republicans defended him, but most others simply argued that a rush to impeach Mr. Trump without a hearing or an investigation raised constitutional questions. Representative Dan Newhouse of Washington State announced that he was backing impeachment, attacking his party’s core argument, that the process was being rushed. “I will not use process as an excuse,” he said during the impeachment debate, to cheers and applause from Democrats. Mr. Newhouse also offered a mea culpa, chiding himself and other Republicans for “not speaking out sooner” against the president.

Authorizing the monthslong inquiry ensures that the impeachment investigation extends well into 2024, when Biden will be running for reelection and seems likely to be squaring off against former President Donald Trump — who was twice impeached during his time in the White House. Trump has pushed his GOP allies in Congress to move swiftly on impeaching Biden, part of his broader calls for vengeance and retribution against his political enemies. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said Thursday that he’s confident that Republicans have the votes to formally authorize the inquiry next week. Multiple House leaders have said the chamber is expected to vote on the resolution next week. It is scheduled to go before the House Rules Committee on Tuesday morning, meaning the earliest it would come up for a vote is likely Wednesday, on the eve of the chamber's last day in session this year.


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The House will vote next week on formalizing its Biden impeachment inquiry, Speaker Johnson says